The HIIN at the GIIN Investor Forum 2022

The HIIN participated in person at the Global Impact Investing Network’s Investor Forum 2022, held in the Hague in October, for the first time since 2019.

This year, the conference amassed around six thousand participants, primarily fund managers, impact investment experts/advisors and corporate representatives with a smaller representation from LPs and impact companies.

Nevertheless, the content of verticals and panels was tailored to the audience with a lot of new trends being presented and several niche issues touched upon. In the context of the GIIN, the HIIN team had the chance to participate in an exchange event by GSGii in which different NABs expressed their problems and opinions on how to better become better / more active NAB members.

The outcomes of that meeting as well as a private dinner with the Dutch NAB afterwards proved invaluable for establishing an understanding of the process, differences between NABs and procedures and helped manage expectations for the upcoming journey in becoming the Greek NAB.

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